7 Little Words Pepper Level 1 Answers:
1. medieval pharmacist = APOTHECARY
2. belligerence = PUGNACITY
3. brief poem = RONDELET
4. eternal = UNENDING
5. chop meat = PORK
6. like Monaco = HILLY
7. formal announcement = DECLARATION
7 Little Words Pepper Level 2 Answers:
1. layered ice cream = SPUMONE
2. group of lawmakers = SENATE
3. use for graphite = LUBRICATION
4. oath subject = LOYALTY
5. have memorized = KNOW
6. Norwegian inlet = FJORD
7. stamp collector = PHILATELIST
7 Little Words Pepper Level 3 Answers:
1. carry = BRING
2. Bohemian dance = POLKA
3. twine = STRING
4. dog star not on TV = SIRIUS
5. teacher’s domain = SCHOOLROOM
6. new baby = NEONATE
7. mountain climbing adventure = EXPEDITION
7 Little Words Pepper Level 4 Answers:
1. it’s a group thing = CLIQUE
2. private teacher = TUTOR
3. list of signatures, perhaps = PETITION
4. like some time bombs = TICKING
5. like, duh! = OBVIOUSLY
6. orchestral piece = SUITE
7. come to light = TRANSPIRE
7 Little Words Pepper Level 5 Answers:
1. bakery items = PASTRIES
2. feature of some ovens = CONVECTION
3. wedding planner, say = COORDINATOR
4. memorable phrase = QUOTATION
5. holding tight = CLINGY
6. fundamental atomic particle = NEUTRINO
7. second-rate imitator = EPIGONE
7 Little Words Pepper Level 6 Answers:
1. courage = BRAVERY
2. turning away = AVOIDANCE
3. twist in pain = WRITHE
4. map line = LONGITUDE
5. baked treat with a crusty top = MUFFIN
6. lumber cutting tool = RIPSAW
7. not on the straight and narrow = WAYWARD
7 Little Words Pepper Level 7 Answers:
1. Greek pastry dough = FILO
2. prod = GOAD
3. Guten Morgen! greeter = GERMAN
4. big-billed seabird = PUFFIN
5. miniature human = HOMUNCULUS
6. in the green room, maybe = SEQUESTERED
7. touched down = ALIT
7 Little Words Pepper Level 8 Answers:
1. funny girl = COMEDIENNE
2. cod-like fish = BURBOT
3. movie set electrician = GAFFER
4. prove to be in error = CONFUTE
5. pine (for) = YEARN
6. speedy falcon = PEREGRINE
7. parachute opener = RIPCORD
7 Little Words Pepper Level 9 Answers:
1. video recorder adjustment = TRACKING
2. elastic = STRETCHY
3. affectionate warmth = TENDERNESS
4. reply = REJOIN
5. representational group = DELEGATION
6. bulk = HEFT
7. promotional handout = HANDBILL
7 Little Words Pepper Level 10 Answers:
1. aromatic rice = BASMATI
2. conception result = PREGNANCY
3. provide funding for = ENDOW
4. heartfelt = SINCERE
5. moccasin decoration = BEADWORK
6. be a couch potato = VEGETATE
7. dropping off = DROWSY
7 Little Words Pepper Level 11 Answers:
1. series of connected spirals = COIL
2. roomy = CAPACIOUS
3. kind of memory = EIDETIC
4. significant = MEANINGFUL
5. melting pot = CRUCIBLE
6. go boldly forward = EXPLORE
7. state of matter = PLASMA
7 Little Words Pepper Level 12 Answers:
1. may contain an extra day = FEBRUARY
2. undergo a change in DNA = MUTATE
3. body of an airplane = FUSELAGE
4. gum flavor = SPEARMINT
5. carries oxygen in blood = HEMOGLOBIN
6. period without war = PEACETIME
7. exhausting hike = SLOG
7 Little Words Pepper Level 13 Answers:
1. software reversal = UNDO
2. star in Orion = BETELGEUSE
3. run together = CONVERGE
4. acreage set aside for wildlife = REFUGE
5. Morse or Alito = SAMUEL
6. Waldorf salad ingredients = WALNUTS
7. state of extreme poverty = DEPRIVATION
7 Little Words Pepper Level 14 Answers:
1. anybody = SOMEONE
2. breakwater = EMBANKMENT
3. reduce = CURTAIL
4. rose-colored glasses wearer = OPTIMIST
5. snack = NOSH
6. most dangerous = RISKIEST
7. not much fun = UNPLEASANT
7 Little Words Pepper Level 15 Answers:
1. deep-sea diving craft = BATHYSCAPHE
2. sudden forcible jet = SPURT
3. old reporter’s signoff = THIRTY
4. turbulent = BUMPY
5. final result = UPSHOT
6. railroad inspector = TRACKWALKER
7. complete obscurity = OBLIVION
7 Little Words Pepper Level 16 Answers:
1. revealed, as a statue or bride = UNVEILED
2. speech interference = IMPEDIMENT
3. mess up = FLUBBED
4. suture = LIGATURE
5. symbolic likeness = EFFIGY
6. paddling direction = DOWNSTREAM
7. type of polyester = DACRON
7 Little Words Pepper Level 17 Answers:
1. Kampala’s country = UGANDA
2. type of urge or scream = PRIMAL
3. create an anagram = SCRAMBLE
4. political label = LIBERAL
5. stately splendor = MAJESTY
6. under arrest = BUSTED
7. nighttime breathing issue = APNEA
7 Little Words Pepper Level 18 Answers:
1. movie = FLICK
2. home of Queen Beatrix = NETHERLANDS
3. under duress = FORCED
4. citizen army = MILITIA
5. trade association = GUILD
6. map key = LEGEND
7. event = HAPPENING
7 Little Words Pepper Level 19 Answers:
1. melancholy feeling = GLOOMINESS
2. multi-man Olympic sport = BOBSLED
3. series of narrative sketches = STORYBOARD
4. tubular pasta = ZITI
5. new academy attendee = RECRUIT
6. long-legged ruminant = ANTELOPE
7. scoring 10 out of 10 = PERFECT
7 Little Words Pepper Level 20 Answers:
1. court action = ARRAIGNMENT
2. recording medium = TAPE
3. explanatory note = ANNOTATION
4. study of antibodies = IMMUNOLOGY
5. blowgun projectile = DART
6. natural environment = HABITAT
7. Oliver Twist was one = ORPHAN
7 Little Words Pepper Level 21 Answers:
1. vegetable casserole = RATATOUILLE
2. give to a cause = DONATE
3. place to cast votes = POLL
4. classic potato soup = VICHYSSOISE
5. edible flatfish = PLAICE
6. adrenal gland neighbor = KIDNEY
7. sign of imperfection = ERASURE
7 Little Words Pepper Level 22 Answers:
1. TV viewer’s concern = RECEPTION
2. rapid barrage = FUSILLADE
3. boundary = BORDERLINE
4. WWI infantryman = DOUGHBOY
5. step in = INTERVENE
6. 2nd-largest city in Arizona = TUCSON
7. self-righteous person = PRIG
7 Little Words Pepper Level 23 Answers:
1. slow-moving primate = LORIS
2. intensive study session = SEMINAR
3. suddenly formed depression = SINKHOLE
4. drop like a stone = PLUMMET
5. one who starts fire = ARSONIST
6. overnight visitor = HOUSEGUEST
7. good-for-nothing loafer = DEADBEAT
7 Little Words Pepper Level 24 Answers:
1. part of the program = SUBROUTINE
2. gratifying = PLEASING
3. Trivial Pursuit category = GEOGRAPHY
4. British truck = LORRY
5. indecision = AMBIVALENCE
6. hospital employee = NURSE
7. not conventional = UNORTHODOX
7 Little Words Pepper Level 25 Answers:
1. cooked squid = CALAMARI
2. scuffle = TUSSLE
3. proper social behavior = ETIQUETTE
4. intense hunger = STARVATION
5. large clam = GEODUCK
6. kind of cracked wheat = BULGUR
7. subordinate group = WING
7 Little Words Pepper Level 26 Answers:
1. where grapes are grown = VINEYARD
2. straight from the shoulder = OUTSPOKEN
3. very unpleasant = LOUSY
4. on both radio and TV = SIMULCAST
5. lack of sound = QUIETNESS
6. seat filler = OCCUPANT
7. barn area = HAYLOFT
7 Little Words Pepper Level 27 Answers:
1. business accounting = BOOKKEEPING
2. weed-choked, perhaps = OVERGROWN
3. complex of beliefs and values = MYTHOS
4. first First Lady = MARTHA
5. siesta time = AFTERNOON
6. contaminated = IMPURE
7. counteract = NEUTRALIZE
7 Little Words Pepper Level 28 Answers:
1. foamy wave = WHITECAP
2. big drop in body temperature = HYPOTHERMIA
3. small specialty shop = BOUTIQUE
4. disturbance = RUCKUS
5. essential force = LIFEBLOOD
6. what the Earth turns on = AXIS
7. guarantee = ENSURE
7 Little Words Pepper Level 29 Answers:
1. remove graffiti, in a way = SANDBLAST
2. salad dressing choice = VINAIGRETTE
3. not real = FICTIONAL
4. like a pet parakeet = CAGED
5. talkative = GABBY
6. uncaring about right or wrong = AMORAL
7. trembling = QUAKING
7 Little Words Pepper Level 30 Answers:
1. area of economic activity = INDUSTRY
2. car display area = SHOWROOM
3. linguistics subfield = PHONETICS
4. suffering indigestion = DYSPEPTIC
5. period of rule = REIGN
6. type of pitching motion = SIDEARM
7. act the part of = PORTRAY
7 Little Words Pepper Level 31 Answers:
1. disturbance = BROUHAHA
2. Batman foe = RIDDLER
3. chlorophyll or melanin = PIGMENT
4. complaining = SNIVELING
5. male deer = HART
6. Hundred Years’ War weapon = LONGBOW
7. act of forceful regulation = CRACKDOWN
7 Little Words Pepper Level 32 Answers:
1. more expensive = UPSCALE
2. relish = ENJOY
3. not often = SELDOM
4. opposing force = RESISTANCE
5. cereal quality = CRUNCHINESS
6. Tyrolean shorts = LEDERHOSEN
7. least desirable = WORST
7 Little Words Pepper Level 33 Answers:
1. neighbor of Slovakia = HUNGARY
2. cook on the grill = CHARBROIL
3. where the Flintstones live = BEDROCK
4. football position = TAILBACK
5. disqualified = INELIGIBLE
6. divided house = DUPLEX
7. narrow crack = CREVICE
7 Little Words Pepper Level 34 Answers:
1. argue in earnest = PLEAD
2. throw out solutions = BRAINSTORM
3. entity = BEING
4. meat-filled turnover = EMPANADA
5. similar in nature = HOMOGENEOUS
6. raise objections = STICKLE
7. barrel of monkeys = HILARITY
7 Little Words Pepper Level 35 Answers:
1. summon = BECKON
2. squeak’s partner = BUBBLE
3. without emotion = COLDBLOODED
4. popular film process = TECHNICOLOR
5. discriminating = SELECTIVE
6. sound, as a bell = TOLL
7. lacking muscle tone = FLACCID
7 Little Words Pepper Level 36 Answers:
1. bottom of the rainbow = VIOLET
2. dinner and a movie, maybe = DATE
3. hoity-toity = SNOBBISH
4. Japanese grill = HIBACHI
5. shrewd = CUNNING
6. uncivilized = PRIMITIVE
7. larval toad = POLLYWOG
7 Little Words Pepper Level 37 Answers:
1. where things may develop = DARKROOM
2. awards show attire = GOWN
3. lotion additive = MOISTURIZER
4. sorghum product = MOLASSES
5. tailpipe emission = EXHAUST
6. many a telethon = FUNDRAISER
7. consumption = INTAKE
7 Little Words Pepper Level 38 Answers:
1. peanut butter option = CHUNKY
2. kind of butter = CLARIFIED
3. promotional support = ENDORSEMENT
4. French verse form = VIRELAY
5. Verdana, for one = FONT
6. golfer’s “juice” = BACKSPIN
7. dish of beans and corn = SUCCOTASH
7 Little Words Pepper Level 39 Answers:
1. duke or count = ARISTOCRAT
2. tart vegetable cooked in pies = RHUBARB
3. obeyed orders = COMPLIED
4. vexing = BOTHERSOME
5. by the book = LEGALLY
6. textbook user = INSTRUCTOR
7. more soda = REFILL
7 Little Words Pepper Level 40 Answers:
1. zori part = THONG
2. cobbler = SHOEMAKER
3. expression of disdain = POOH
4. tetanus = LOCKJAW
5. experimental mixture = CONCOCTION
6. correctional facility = PRISON
7. plant also called checkerberry = WINTERGREEN
7 Little Words Pepper Level 41 Answers:
1. sac around the heart = PERICARDIUM
2. precedence in rank = SENIORITY
3. FBI file = DOSSIER
4. old threat to travelers = HIGHWAYMAN
5. snooker = DUPE
6. dense growth of bushes = THICKET
7. class of mollusk = CEPHALOPOD
7 Little Words Pepper Level 42 Answers:
1. Greek dish = GYRO
2. sign of a bad hair day = COWLICK
3. greeted = WELCOMED
4. old word for pickpocket = CUTPURSE
5. take restaurant orders = WAIT
6. develop over time = EVOLVE
7. cabinet division = DEPARTMENT
7 Little Words Pepper Level 43 Answers:
1. means of access = PATHWAY
2. specialized thief = SAFECRACKER
3. ribosome component = PROTEIN
4. ingenuity = RESOURCE
5. speak haltingly = STAMMER
6. not entirely accurate = INEXACT
7. tennis stroke = FOREHAND
7 Little Words Pepper Level 44 Answers:
1. like a toy Elmo = TICKLISH
2. one of the giblets = GIZZARD
3. villain in “Othello” = IAGO
4. potato famine site of 1740s = IRELAND
5. savage = FEROCIOUS
6. watching over = PROTECTIVE
7. forceful = HARD
7 Little Words Pepper Level 45 Answers:
1. review briefly = SUMMARIZE
2. water chestnut plant = SEDGE
3. like unseeded farmland = FALLOW
4. branch of flowers = SPRAY
5. foolish person = BIRDBRAIN
6. domestic servant = HOUSEMAID
7. fictitious = FABRICATED
7 Little Words Pepper Level 46 Answers:
1. technological system = AUTOMATION
2. feeling compassion = CARING
3. what a whale breathes through = BLOWHOLE
4. Ponzi had one = SCHEME
5. generous = BOUNTIFUL
6. immature = SOPHOMORIC
7. arm muscle = BICEPS
7 Little Words Pepper Level 47 Answers:
1. fungicide target = MILDEW
2. eating humble pie = APOLOGETIC
3. on the way out = LEAVING
4. part of a space “belt” = ASTEROID
5. inaccurate = IMPRECISE
6. spice from a seed pod = CARDAMOM
7. oldest inaugurated president = REAGAN
7 Little Words Pepper Level 48 Answers:
1. mall activity = SHOPPING
2. reverse of a cameo = INTAGLIO
3. back in working condition = RESTORED
4. arrogant = COCKY
5. business at street level = STOREFRONT
6. noble gas = XENON
7. steak restaurant = CHOPHOUSE
8. 7 Little Words Pepper Level 49 Answers:
1. farmer = SODBUSTER
2. metal abbreviated Sb = ANTIMONY
3. handing over a criminal = EXTRADITION
4. four pecks = BUSHEL
5. chilled = ICED
6. Iowa, Illinois, et al. = MIDWEST
7. rude = IMPOLITE
7 Little Words Pepper Level 50 Answers:
1. Russian instrument = BALALAIKA
2. fraud = DISHONESTY
3. he served between two Bushes = CLINTON
4. showing signs of disuse = DUSTY
5. whole truth = LOWDOWN
6. esoteric = DEEP
7. speedy atomic particle = TACHYON
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