Monday, 26 December 2011

Symphony level Complete-50levels cheats

Symphony level-50 Answers:
1. under the weather (4 letters) SICK 2. under the table (9 letters) ILLICITLY 3. under the gun (10 letters) THREATENED 4. under the feet (7 letters) TRODDEN 5. under the microscope (11 letters) SCRUTINISED 6. under the hammer (9 letters) AUCTIONED 7. under the sea (8 letters)  ATLANTIS
Symphony level-49 Answers:
1. pearls of wisdom (6 letters) ADAGES 2. Peal Harbor’s island (4 letters) OAHU 3. mother-of-pearl (5 letters) NACRE 4. one way to wear pearls (8 letters) NECKLACE 5. edible pearl (5 letters) ONION 6. units of pearl weight (6 letters) CARATS 7. “The Pearl” author (9 letters)  STEINBECK
Symphony level-48 Answers:
1. use of dynamite (8 letters) BLASTING 2. “Dynamite!” (8 letters) TERRIFIC 3. measure of dynamite (5 letters) STICK 4. inventor of dynamite (5 letters) NOBEL 5. what dynamite does (8 letters) EXPLODES 6. “Napoleon Dynamite” llama (4 letters) TINA 7. set off, like dynamite (8 letters)  DETONATE
Symphony level-47 Answers:
1. outlaw (6 letters) BANDIT 2. Grand Am maker (7 letters) PONTIAC 3. text under a photo (7 letters) CAPTION 4. have in mind (6 letters) INTEND 5. where taxiing occurs (7 letters) AIRPORT 6. small parakeet (6 letters) BUDGIE 7. lawyer’s aide (9 letters)  PARALEGAL
Symphony level-46 Answers:
1. rocket scientist (7 letters) GODDARD 2. island girl (6 letters) WAHINE 3. obstruction (9 letters) HINDRANCE 4. a danger to swimmers (8 letters) UNDERTOW 5. wave threateningly (8 letters) BRANDISH 6. keeps papers together (9 letters) CLIPBOARD 7. carbonated citrus drink (8 letters)  OR ANGINA
Symphony level-45 Answers:
1. spin around (6 letters) SWIVEL 2. unsophisticated person (7 letters) PEASANT 3. poster or sign (7 letters) PLACARD 4. Jean of “Les Miserable’s” (7 letters) VAL JEAN 5. Marriage ceremony (7 letters) WEDDING 6. Grant (6 letters) IMPART 7. Money hoarder (5 letters) MISER
Symphony level-44 Answers:
1. Sandpiper relative (6 letters) CURLEW 2. Appease (6 letters) PACIFY 3. Causing a strong reaction (11 letters) PROVOCATIVE 4. Peasant dress (6 letters) DIRNDL 5. Camera crew member (4 letters) GRIP 6. Paramount (8 letters) CARDINAL 7. On a daily basis (9 letters) QUOTIDIAN
Symphony level-43 Answers:
1. Alfresco meal (6 letters) PICNIC 2. Shrivel up (6 letters) WITHER 3. Marshall Islands atoll (6 letters) BIKINI 4. Sweater feature (10 letters) TURTLENECK 5. Prairie hare (10 letters) JACKRABBIT 6. Young actress (7 letters) INGENUE 7. Sugar in honey (8 letters) FRUCTOSE
Symphony level-42 Answers:
1. Grocery store (11 letters) SUPERMARKET 2. Composer in “Amadeus” (7 letters) SALIERI 3. Religious (5 letters) PIOUS 4. Spotted cat (6 letters) OCELOT 5. Sally Field TV role (6 letters) GIDGET 6. Drawing game (10 letters) PICTIONARY 7. Soak up the sun (4 letters) BASK
Symphony level-41 Answers:
1. depending on (10 letters) CONTINGENT 2. Page keeper (8 letters) BOOKMARK 3. Bond together (6 letters) CEMENT 4. Arcane (10 letters) MYSTERIOUS 5. “Water Music” composer (6 letters) HANDEL 6. Lose one’s cool (5 letters) PANIC 7. Striped cat (5 letters) TIGER
Symphony level-40 Answers:
1. Maine’s largest city (8 letters) PORTLAND 2. Absolute (8 letters) IMPLICIT 3. In need of food (6 letters) HUNGRY 4. Wrap up (6 letters) FINISH 5. One with a yellow streak (6 letters) COWARD 6. About 20% of the atmosphere (6 letters) OXYGEN 7. Disregard (7 letters) NEGLECT
Symphony level-39 Answers:
1. African language (7 letters) SWAHILI 2. Favorable (10 letters) PROPITIOUS 3. Stringed instrument of old (4 letters) LYRE 4. On speaking terms (5 letters) CIVIL 5. Go bad (6 letters) PERISH 6. Feeling of joy (8 letters) EUPHORIA 7. Fleming’s discovery of 1928 (10 letters) PENICILLIN
Symphony level-38 Answers:
1. Movie snack (7 letters) POPCORN 2. make a sudden bite (4 letters) SNAP 3. sports shirt (6 letters) JERSEY 4. mall crime (11 letters) SHOPLIFTING 5. salad dressing collection (6 letters) FRENCH 6. gold bar (5 letters) INGOT 7. break down in the stomach (6 letters)  DIGEST
Symphony level-37 Answers:
1. Needy (8 letters) INDIGENT 2. House thief (7 letters) BURGLAR 3. Lightning bug (7 letters) FIREFLY 4. Innocent (9 letters) CHILDLIKE 5. Carrion-eating bird (7 letters) VULTURE 6. High-rise home (5 letters) CONDO 7. Sometimes makes you pause (11 letters) PUNCTUATION
Symphony level-36 Answers:
1. Having doubts (9 letters) SKEPTICAL 2. Golf club choice (4 letters) IRON 3. Small computer (7 letters) NETBOOK 4. Unit of language (4 letters) WORD 5. An absolute must (9 letters) NECESSITY 6. Canine command (4 letters) COME 7. School assignment (11 letters) COMPOSITION
Symphony level-35 Answers:
1. New Jersey university (9 letters) PRINCETON 2. Stuffed up (9 letters) CONGESTED 3. Photographer’s request (5 letters) SMILE 4. Canal feature (4 letters) LOCK 5. Shortened (8 letters) ABRIDGED 6. Fail spectacularly (4 letters) BOMB 7. Nearby planet (4 letters) MARS
Symphony level-34 Answers:
1. Fourth of a circle (8 letters) QUADRANT 2. Olive spread sandwich (10 letters) MUFFULETTA 3. Room furnishings (5 letters) DECOR 4. U.S. president from Georgia (6 letters) CARTER 5. Filled with excitement (9 letters) EXUBERANT 6. Deliberate destruction (9 letters) VANDALISM 7. Become weaker (4 letters) DROP
Symphony level-33 Answers:
1. Leg part (4 letters) CALF 2. Feel a strong desire for (6 letters) HANKER 3. Green nut (9 letters) PISTACHIO 4. Building up to (10 letters) CUMULATIVE 5. Gray rain cloud (6 letters) NIMBUS 6. Formally present (6 letters) TENDER 7. Day of rest (7 letters) SABBATH
Symphony level-32 Answers:
1. No-good ornery skunk (7 letters) POLECAT 2. Inclined to fight (9 letters) BELLICOSE 3. Obligation (4 letters) DUTY 4. “Immediately, nurse!” (4 letters) STAT 5. Article slant (4 letters) BIAS 6. Inscrutable person (6 letters) ENIGMA 7. Turned to stone (9 letters) PETRIFIED
Symphony level-31 Answers:
1. Hotel attendant (7 letters) BELLHOP 2. Kind of oven (9 letters) MICROWAVE 3. Verbal attack (7 letters) POLEMIC 4. John Wayne’s nickname (4 letters) DUKE 5. Period of the Mesozoic era (8 letters) JURASSIC 6. Lawman’s ID (5 letters) BADGE 7. Part of the large intestine (5 letters) COLON
Symphony level-30 Answers:
1. Missiles on a whaler (8 letters) HARPOONS 2. Called into the service (7 letters) DRAFTED 3. Foot soldiers (8 letters) INFANTRY 4. Hindmost part (4 letters) REAR 5. “The Mile High City” (6 letters) DENVER 6. Beautiful girl at the ball (5 letters) BELLE 7. Brett Favre’s jersey number (4 letters) FOUR
Symphony level-29 Answers:
1. Court sport (10 letters) BASKETBALL 2. Perform somersaults (6 letters) TUMBLE 3. Bossy old woman (8 letters) HARRIDAN 4. Bouncing apparatus (10 letters) TRAMPOLINE 5. Mounted soldier (8 letters) CAVALIER 6. Fishing net (5 letters) SEINE 7. Contempt (7 letters) DISDAIN
Symphony level-28 Answers:
1.  Informer (10 letters) TATTLETALE 2. Muscle in the foot (8 letters) ABDUCTOR 3. Bed on a Pullman (5 letters) BERTH 4. Horse sound (5 letters) NEIGH 5. Type of tennis swing (8 letters) BACKHAND 6. Get off the balance beam (8 letters) DISMOUNT 7. Land mammal with a big mouth (5 letters) HIPPO
Symphony level-27 Answers:
1.  Remove impurities (6 letters) REFINE 2. Move a train to a new track (5 letters) SHUNT 3. Distinctive characteristic (9 letters) TRADEMARK 4. Heartwood of a tree (7 letters) DURAMEN 5. Hobo’s transportation (6 letters) BOXCAR 6. Torn pieces of cloth (7 letters) TATTERS 7. Show off one’s biceps (4 letters) FLEXES
Symphony level-26 Answers:
1.  Ancient two-wheeled vehicle (7 letters) CHARIOT 2. Softly glowing (7 letters) LAMBENT 3. German city (6 letters) BREMEN 4. Stronghold (7 letters) REDOUBT 5. Fly larva (6 letters) MAGGOT 6. Casey Jones was one (8 letters) ENGINEER 7. Fitful or random (9 letters) DESULTORY
Symphony level-25 Answers:
1.  Hairstyle (8 letters) COIFFURE 2. Implied meaning (7 letters) PURPORT 3. Great Sandy Desert location (9 letters) AUSTRALIA 4. Malign (9 letters) DENIGRATE 5. Highest male voice (5 letters) TENOR 6. Sloping edge (5 letters) BEVEL 7. Musical master (8 letters) VIRTUOSO
Symphony level-24 Answers:
1.  Discover the presence of (6 letters) DETECT 2. Coach for hire (7 letters) HACKNEY 3. “Classy” institution (6 letters) SCHOOL 4. Quarter horse’s quarters (6 letters) STABLE 5. Without emotion (4 letters) COLD 6. Unsophisticated (6 letters) CALLOW 7. Wesley’s true love (9 letters) BUTTERCUP
Symphony level-23 Answers:
1.  Flawed (9 letters) IMPERFECT 2. Long sock (8 letters) STOCKING 3. Complicated in design (9 letters) ELABORATE 4. Scottish draft horse (10 letters) CLYDESDALE 5. Temporary loss of memory (5 letters) / temporary loss of memory (5 letters) LAPSE 6. Flock (4 letters) BAND 7. Ward off (5 letters) DETER
Symphony level-22 Answers:
1.  Canine tooth (6 letters) CUSPID 2. Small tuna relative (6 letters) BONITO 3. Long distance race (8 letters) MARATHON 4. Cher’s old partner (5 letters) SONNY 5. Political pardon (7 letters) AMNESTY 6. Where “Frasier” was set (7 letters) SEATTLE 7. Pointless (6 letters) FUTILE
Symphony level-21 Answers:
1.  Baseball position (9 letters) SHORTSTOP 2. Downcast (11 letters) CRESTFALLEN 3. Marching band tuba (10 letters) SOUSAPHONE 4. Quantity of cookies (5 letters) BATCH 5. Mechanical laborer (5 letters) ROBOT 6. Back of the brain (10 letters) CEREBELLUM 7. Brass constituent (4 letters) ZINC
Symphony level-20 Answers:
1.  Remedy for all diseases (7 letters) PANACEA 2. John Elway’s position (11 letters) QUARTERBACK 3. Chain of amino acids (11 letters) POLYPEPTIDE 4. Feature of Saturn (5 letters) RINGS 5. ATM bill (6 letters) TWENTY 6. Place of public discussion (5 letters) FORUM 7. International travel document (8 letters) PASSPORT
Symphony level-19 Answers:
1.  Trade-last (10 letters) COMPLIMENT 2. Transmission (7 letters) GEARBOX 3. Auctioneer’s gavel (6 letters) HAMMER 4. Facial hair (5 letters) BEARD 5. Bowler’s bane (5 letters) SPLIT 6. Hint of an idea (7 letters) INKLING 7. Afraid (7 letters) CHICKEN
Symphony level-18 Answers:
1. Deliberately expressionless (7 letters) DEADPAN 2. Small blister (4 letters) BLEB 3. Leaping and dancing (7 letters) SALTANT 4. Culinary seed (5 letters) POPPY 5. Wrist bone (6 letters) CARPUS 6. Note-taking system (9 letters) SHORTHAND 7. Socially graceful (6 letters) URBANE
Symphony level-17 Answers:
1. Movie lover (8 letters) CINEASTE 2. Partially submerged log (8 letters) DEADHEAD 3. Speak off the cuff (11 letters) EXTEMPORIZE 4. Fireplace implement (5 letters) POKER 5. Concert organizer (10 letters) IMPRESARIO 6. South Pacific kingdom (5 letters) TONGA 7. Comprehensive (11 letters) MACROSCOPIC
Symphony level-16 Answers:
1. Corned beef sandwich (6 letters) REUBEN 2. Lacking energy (6 letters) LEADEN 3. Classroom sound (4 letters) BELL 4. Fond of home life (8 letters) DOMESTIC 5. Make difficult to comprehend (9 letters) OBFUSCATE 6. Lock with no spring (8 letters) DEADBOLT 7. Extra book material (8 letters) ADDENDUM
Symphony level-15 Answers:
1. Jumble (7 letters) CONFUSE 2. Home of the Hawkeyes (4 letters) IOWA 3. Leaf stalk (7 letters) PETIOLE 4. Giant cactus (7 letters) SAGUARO 5. French roll (9 letters) CROISSANT 6. One who shirks work (9 letters) GOLDBRICK 7. Impudent (6 letters) BRASSY
Symphony level-14 Answers:
1. Mesopotamian city (7 letters) BABYLON 2. Excessively harsh (9 letters) DRACONIAN 3. Small monetary unit (4 letters) CENT 4. Joyce Kilmer poem (5 letters) TREES 5. Refuse to buy (7 letters) BOYCOTT 6. Economic self-sufficiency (7 letters) AUTARKY 7. Part of the foot (6 letters) INSTEP
Symphony level-13 Answers:
1. Reserve (4 letters) BOOK 2. Not abstract (8 letters) CONCRETE 3. Old style of lamp (8 letters) GASLIGHT 4. Words with similar meanings (8 letters) SYNONYMS 5. Cheap and gaudy (6 letters) TAWDRY 6. Overly optimistic person (9 letters) POLLYANNA 7. Manner of speaker (7 letters) DICTION
Symphony level-12 Answers:
1. Excessive loss of water (11 letters) DEHYDRATE 2. Carefully consider (6 letters) PONDER 3. Cousteau’s vessel (7 letters) CALYPSO 4. Harmful (5 letters) TOXIC 5. One on horseback (10 letters) EQUESTRIAN 6. Make wider (6 letters) DILATE 7. Okefenokee, for one (5 letters) SWAMP
Symphony level-11 Answers:
1. Othello’s wife (9 letters) DESDEMONA 2. Mental bewilderment (7 letters) VERTIGO 3. Heavy load (6 letters) BURDEN 4. Like a stuffed shirt (7 letters) POMPOUS 5. Good for what ails you (11 letters) THERAPEUTIC 6. Wrap loosely (5 letters) DRAPE 7. Infection fighter (8 letters) ANTIBODY
Symphony level-10 Answers:
1. White area on a horse’s face (5 letters) BLAZE 2. Cut of meat (5 letters) SHANK 3. Dental deposit (6 letters) TARTAR 4. Frequent library visitor (8 letters) BOOKWORM 5. Puncture (9 letters) PERFORATE 6. Blood-clotting particle (8 letters) PLATELET 7. Popular Mattel doll (6 letters) BARBIE
Symphony level-9 Answers:
1. Statement of belief (5 letters) CREED 2. Bird rising from the ashes (7 letters) PHOENIX 3. Circumference (5 letters) GIRTH 4. Economic slump (10 letters) DEPRESSION 5. In two colors (7 letters) DUOTONE 6. Start on fire (6 letters) IGNITE 7. Unimpressed (5 letters) BLASE
Symphony level-8 Answers:
1. Discard (4 letters) JUNK 2. Makes full use of (6 letters) WIELDS 3. Drive from cover (5 letters) FLUSH 4. Evergreen coniferous tree (7 letters) CYPRESS 5. Cannonball effect (6 letters) SPLASH 6. Loop of rope (5 letters) BIGHT 7. Study of abnormal behavior (10 letters) PSYCHIATRY
Symphony level-7 Answers:
1. Plodding and tiresome (7 letters) TEDIOUS 2. Give a sharp edge to (4 letters) HONE 3. Part of a bed frame (9 letters) HEADBOARD 4. Deserted shipwreck (4 letters) HULK 5. Ballpark seat (5 letters) BENCH 6. Curved furniture leg (8 letters) CABRIOLE 7. Lecture with a moral (8 letters) HOMILY
Symphony level-6 Answers:
1. Mark with loops and whorls (11 letters) FINGERPRINT 2. Me and mine (8 letters) PRONOUNS 3. Acting without thought (8 letters) MINDLESS 4. Umbilicus (5 letters) NAVEL 5. Crumbly pastry topping (8 letters) STREUSEL 6. Typical result of revelry (5 letters) NOISE 7. He ran against Truman (5 letters) DEWEY
Symphony level-5 Answers:
1. Hard Italian cheese (6 letters) ROMANO 2. Take the place of (9 letters) SUPERSEDE 3. Rice field (5 letters) PADDY 4. Wild dog of Australia (5 letters) DINGO 5. Showing extreme diligence (9 letters) ASSIDUOUS 6. Twist together (7 letters) ENTWINE 7. Little rabbit (5 letters) BUNNY
Symphony level-4 Answers:
1. large-caliber guns (9 letters) ARTILLERY 2. Take the wrong way (11 letters) MISCONSTRUE 3. Take part in an election (4 letters) VOTE 4. Comic strips (7 letters) FUNNIES 5. One ruing with an iron fist (6 letters) DESPOT 6. crossroads of the South Pacific (4 letters) FIJI 7. make sure of (9 letters) ASCERTAIN
Symphony level-3 Answers:
1. dike gap (6 letters) BREACH 2. space field (9 letters) ASTRONOMY 3. red vegetable (4 letters) BEET 4. never ending (9 letters) PERPETUAL 5. bring new life to (10 letters) REGENERATE 6. apply force to (6 letters) COERCE 7. woman with snaky hair (4 letters) GORGON
Symphony level-2 Answers:
1. goldbrick (8 letters) MALINGER 2. symbol of a physician (8 letters) CADUCEUS 3. talk with your hands (11 letters) GESTICULATE 4. what a cygnet grows up to be (4 letters) SWAN 5. indirect suggestion (11 letters) INSINUATION 6. longtime “Nightline” host (6 letters) KOPPEL 7. labyrinth (4 letters) MAZE
Symphony level-1 Answers:
1. voice opposition to (10 letters) CONTROVERT 2. playground structure (5 letters) SLIDE 3. unplanned meeting (9 letters) ENCOUNTER 4. desire to be evil (6 letters) MALICE 5. medical listening device (11 letters) STETHOSCOPE 6. Fort Benning’s state (7 letters) GEORGIA 7. “chief” of the skydivers (8 letters) GERONIMO


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