1. popular '50s hairdo = DUCKTAIL
2. whispering sound = SUSURRUS
3. for the birds = AVIAN
4. some futures = COMMODITIES
5. pantywaist = MILKSOP
6. great enthusiasm = EBULLIENCE
7. acting like a child = REGRESSION
7 Little Words Maple Level 2
1. churn = ROIL
2. citadel = FORTRESS
3. aluminum ore = BAUXITE
4. dosage dispenser = EYEDROPPER
5. figure of speech = SYNECDOCHE
6. woven fabric = TEXTILE
7. cioppino ingredients = TOMATOES
7 Little Words Maple Level 3
1. cooking banana = PLANTAIN
2. one kissing up to the boss = TOADY
3. nostalgic = WISTFUL
4. jumping out of a plane = SKYDIVING
5. former FBI leader = HOOVER
6. ancient Norse warrior = BERSERKER
7. veal dish = SALTIMBOCCA
7 Little Words Maple Level 4
1. shocking = STUNNING
2. political independent = MUGWUMP
3. household linen = NAPERY
4. serrated = JAGGY
5. one in front of the TV = VIEWER
6. appeal for money = INGATHERING
7. embittered speech = ACERBITY
7 Little Words Maple Level 5
1. incriminating = INCULPATORY
2. send word to = NOTIFY
3. goldbrick = IDLER
4. exemplary performer = STANDOUT
5. fade resistant = COLORFAST
6. sold = PEDDLED
16th-century steel helmet = BURGONET
7 Little Words Maple Level 6
1. drooling = SLOBBERY
2. stimulated = AROUSED
3. financial rescue = BAILOUT
4. predict the future = SOOTHSAY
5. going around = SKIRTING
6. full of good ideas = INVENTIVE
7. full of high spirits = ELATED
7 Little Words Maple Level 7
1. quantity of paper = REAM
2. booster = PROMOTER
3. well thought of = REPUTABLE
4. rigid = UNBENDING
5. mild in character = TEMPERATE
6. it may count on homework = NEATNESS
7. charley horse = CRAMP
7 Little Words Maple Level 8
1. make over = REWORK
2. military fortification = BLOCKHOUSE
3. prevent or hinder = FORECLOSE
4. very pleased = CHUFFED
5. cycling muscles = QUADRICEPS
6. current unit = AMPERE
7. bright tropical bird = TROGON
7 Little Words Maple Level 9
1. bias = PREJUDICE
2. off one's rocker = DAFT
3. damsel = MAIDEN
4. Mississippi River vessel = STEAMBOAT
5. Welsh seaport = CARDIFF
6. pair of lines in verse = COUPLET
7. terminate = ABORT
7 Little Words Maple Level 10
1. baseball action = HITTING
2. six shooter = HANDGUN
3. soft and wet = SQUISHY
4. expressed disrespect = SNICKERED
5. overabundance = SURFEIT
6. ceremonial procession = CAVALCADE
7. political platform = SOAPBOX
7 Little Words Maple Level 11
1. Mother Hubbard = HOUSEDRESS
2. cultural revival = RENASCENCE
3. fast-growing vine = KUDZU
4. expose to danger = HAZARD
5. generous = GIVING
6. lunch site = CAFETERIA
7. distribution = DISPERSAL
7 Little Words Maple Level 12
1. astronomer = STARGAZER
2. one with a lot of hot air = WINDBAG
3. dark edible mushroom = SHIITAKE
4. having trouble talking = HOARSE
5. maceration device = PESTLE
6. uproar = COMMOTION
7. Homeland Security concern = TERRORISM
7 Little Words Maple Level 13
1. destroy through oxidation = CORRODE
3.26 light years = PARSEC
3. "Eight Elvises" painter = WARHOL
4. be understanding of = EMPATHIZE
5. leader in title only = FIGUREHEAD
6. mite = SMIDGEON
7. like some sci-fi = FUTURISTIC
7 Little Words Maple Level 14
1. pavement destroyer = JACKHAMMER
2. study of insects = ENTOMOLOGY
3. extremely annoying = OBNOXIOUS
4. Hawaiian garment = MUUMUU
5. extra = ADDITIONAL
6. gloomy = MURKY
7. pendant with a picture = LOCKET
7 Little Words Maple Level 15
1. like a stringbean = LANKY
2. parvenu = UPSTART
3. applauded = CLAPPED
4. nervous system signal = IMPULSE
5. growing of crops = CULTIVATION
6. hairy situation = PREDICAMENT
7. figure of speech = TROPE
7 Little Words Maple Level 16
1. billiard table fabric = BAIZE
2. fish bait selection = ANGLEWORM
3. pigment in pumpkins = CAROTENE
4. low-velocity pitch = KNUCKLEBALL
5. large wading bird = LIMPKIN
6. army doctor = MEDIC
7. office = WORKPLACE
7 Little Words Maple Level 17
1. mindnumbing boredom = TEDIUM
2. Socrates's undoing = HEMLOCK
3. part of the brain = AMYGDALA
4. German sweet bread = STOLLEN
5. buoy up = BOLSTER
6. abyss = CHASM
7. solar phenomenon = SUNSPOT
7 Little Words Maple Level 18
1. turn a ship into the wind = LUFF
2. whirring noise = BURR
3. fil?? powder source = SASSAFRAS
4. use an antiseptic = DISINFECT
5. promenade dance = CAKEWALK
6. sports jacket = BLAZER
7. lodestone quality = MAGNETISM
7 Little Words Maple Level 19
1. washing basin = DISHPAN
2. carelessness = SLOPPINESS
3. drive forward = IMPEL
4. legal right of use = USUFRUCT
5. flashy device = GIMMICK
6. formally accuse = DENOUNCE
7. film editing machine = MOVIOLA
7 Little Words Maple Level 20
1. ice skater's jump = LUTZ
2. improvised music = VAMP
3. bookish = LITERARY
4. reverie = DAYDREAM
5. liberator = EMANCIPATOR
6. almond-filled pastry = FRANGIPANE
7. remove, as a hat = DOFF
7 Little Words Maple Level 21
1. top surface of a step = TREAD
2. mistaken = ERRONEOUS
3. endowment = BEQUEST
4. do away with = ABROGATE
5. drab = SUBFUSC
6. indoctrinate = BRAINWASH
7. tree of the pine family = LARCH
7 Little Words Maple Level 22
1. color of corn = MAIZE
2. attack of artillery fire = CANNONADE
3. overcast condition = CLOUDINESS
4. living on land and in water = AMPHIBIOUS
5. come together = JOIN
6. High Renaissance painter = RAPHAEL
7. Chinese puzzle = TANGRAM
7 Little Words Maple Level 23
1. early flowering spring shrub = PRIMROSE
2. balance sheet entry = ASSET
3. given first aid = BANDAGED
4. horse handler = WRANGLER
5. light horse-drawn carriage = BUGGY
6. warehouse or museum = REPOSITORY
7. outgoing sort = EXTROVERT
7 Little Words Maple Level 24
1. hospitable = WELCOMING
2. from Maui = HAWAIIAN
3. metronome = TIMEKEEPER
4. forever = ETERNITY
5. climb down = DESCENT
6. British sneaker = PLIMSOLL
7. move to a new home = RELOCATE
7 Little Words Maple Level 25
1. Jay Leno's showtime = TONIGHT
2. windshield cleaner = WIPER
3. veteran actor = TROUPER
4. green hue = EMERALD
5. one on foot = PEDESTRIAN
6. consist of = COMPRISE
7. building front = FACADE
7 Little Words Maple Level 26
1. pristine = SPOTLESS
2. blackjack wielder = THUG
3. window sill = LEDGE
4. headed south for the winter = MIGRATORY
5. extremist = RADICAL
6. eating plants = HERBIVOROUS
7. feeling "pins and needles" = TINGLING
7 Little Words Maple Level 27
1. all over = ENDED
2. horned mammal = RHINOCEROS
3. somnolence = DROWSINESS
4. revealed = TOLD
5. militarist = WARMONGER
6. three card = TREY
7. hat check girl's "office" = COATROOM
7 Little Words Maple Level 28
1. indicate = DENOTE
2. coming up = AHEAD
3. country retreat = BOWER
4. junior = NAMESAKE
5. make familiar = ACQUAINT
6. star in Orion = RIGEL
7. government department = INTERIOR
7 Little Words Maple Level 29
1. pie filling = MINCEMEAT
2. throat flap = UVULA
3. band output = MUSIC
4. tack on = APPEND
5. partial denture = BRIDGEWORK
6. by feel = INTUITIVE
7. bread protection = WRAPPER
7 Little Words Maple Level 30
1. city just south of Dan Diego = TIJUANA
2. preserve = MARMALADE
3. silvery-white metallic element = MOLYBDENUM
4. lustrous = SILKINESS
5. muscle kneader = MASSEUR
6. word on bounced checks = VOID
7. wrinkled fabric = CREPE
7 Little Words Maple Level 31
1. raconteur's account = ANECDOTE
2. rigid bracelet = BANGLE
3. insulated against noise = SOUNDPROOF
4. pear-shaped instrument = LUTE
5. aloofness = DETACHMENT
6. long-legged shorebird = AVOCET
7. dentist's command = SWISH
7 Little Words Maple Level 32
1. show unhappiness = FROWN
2. urn = VASE
3. twister = WHIRLWIND
4. evaluated = JUDGED
5. at the same time = MEANWHILE
6. admission ceremony = INITIATION
7. heterogenous = MOTLEY
7 Little Words Maple Level 33
1. tart fruit = CRABAPPLE
2. exasperation = FRUSTRATION
3. Photoshop company = ADOBE
4. chocolate maker = HERSHEY
5. rallying cry = WATCHWORD
6. short newspaper article = PARAGRAPH
7. Nebraska city = OMAHA
7 Little Words Maple Level 34
1. shootout participant = GUNFIGHTER
2. "Casablanca" hero = RICK
3. aloof = REMOTE
4. thick soup = POTAGE
5. flabbergasted = DAZED
6. injury = DETRIMENT
7. wheeler dealer = HUSTLER
7 Little Words Maple Level 35
1. paint priming material = GESSO
2. worn away = ERODED
3. airplane cargo = LUGGAGE
4. sour note = CLINKER
5. Scottish broadsword = CLAYMORE
6. dried fruit = RAISIN
7. make wider = BROADEN
7 Little Words Maple Level 36
1. sundial part = GNOMON
2. between bow and stern = AMIDSHIPS
3. awkward, lazy person = SLOUCH
4. wilderness fringe = FRONTIER
5. itinerant worker = MIGRANT
6. metal bob = PLUMB
7. pit bull quality = AGGRESSION
7 Little Words Maple Level 37
1. monkey business = MISCHIEF
2. monkey bread tree = BAOBAB
3. play "monkey see monkey do" = IMITATE
4. South American monkey = TAMARIN
5. grease monkeys = MECHANICS
6. home for a proboscis monkey = MANGROVE
7. Super Monkey Ball company = SEGA
7 Little Words Maple Level 38
1. ooze = SEEP
2. very hot = SIZZLING
3. deep-sea diving craft = BATHYSCAPHE
4. word after honor or sound = SYSTEM
5. wipe out = ANNIHILATE
6. attack with continuous fire = BOMBARD
7. inhabitant = DENIZEN
7 Little Words Maple Level 39
1. extra period = OVERTIME
2. vacillate = TEETER
3. matter-of-fact = PROSAIC
4. rickety building = SHACK
5. piece of tack = BRIDLE
6. cilantro = CORIANDER
7. kingdom subdivision = PHYLUM
7 Little Words Maple Level 40
1. timely = SEASONABLE
2. dishwasher additive = DETERGENT
3. British fighter plane = SPITFIRE
4. streaming movie provider = NETFLIX
5. system of watercourses = DRAINAGE
6. cream of the crop = FINEST
7. purple dinosaur = BARNEY
7 Little Words Maple Level 41
1. contradict = GAINSAY
2. vase maker = GLASSBLOWER
3. swellhead = EGOMANIAC
4. decline in achievement = SLIPPAGE
5. clear a blockage from = UNCLOG
6. flabbergasted = STAGGERED
7. memory assistance = MNEMONIC
7 Little Words Maple Level 42
1. laid low = STRICKEN
2. tending to irritate = MADDENING
3. smart alec = WISECRACKER
4. slender and hollow = FISTULOUS
5. flat fish = TURBOT
6. male trait = MASCULINITY
7. naval rank = ENSIGN
7 Little Words Maple Level 43
1. dancing skill = FOOTWORK
2. on the fringe = PERIPHERAL
3. perplex = MYSTIFY
4. moveable part of a wing = AILERON
5. box-shaped sled = PUNG
6. subway passenger = STRAPHANGER
7. lovingly indulgent = DOTING
7 Little Words Maple Level 44
1. deafening = CLAMOROUS
2. strut or stroll = WALK
3. like funk music = SYNCOPATED
4. organism needing oxygen = AEROBE
5. Crimean War participant = RUSSIA
6. admit as a member = INDUCT
7. length of film = FOOTAGE
7 Little Words Maple Level 45
1. alameda = WALKWAY
2. Agatha Christie novel = MYSTERY
3. walk like an infant = TODDLE
4. mad as a hornet = SORE
5. fitness routine = AEROBICS
6. unstoppable team = POWERHOUSE
7. grandiloquent = SONOROUS
7 Little Words Maple Level 46
1. part of MGM = GOLDWYN
2. stick closely to = CLING
3. one of the Marx Brothers = CHICO
4. dawdling = POKY
5. not competent = INCAPABLE
6. size = PROPORTION
7. medical school graduate = PHYSICIAN
7 Little Words Maple Level 47
1. old name for France = GAUL
2. steaming mad = IRATE
3. full of interest = MEATY
4. those running a business = MANAGEMENT
5. popular vote = REFERENDUM
6. unspecific amount = SOME
7. field of psychology = CLINICAL
7 Little Words Maple Level 48
1. high-quality parchment = VELLUM
2. web browser choice = FIREFOX
3. it provides a cool mist = HUMIDIFER
4. aim = INTENTION
5. beard location = CHIN
6. not a picky eater = OMNIVORE
7. Denmark territory = GREENLAND
7 Little Words Maple Level 49
1. listen = HEAR
2. made a comeback = RALLIED
3. deer hide = BUCKSKIN
4. keep balls up in the air = JUGGLE
5. big trash receptacle = DUMPSTER
6. hit man = ASSASSIN
7. extemporaneously = OFFHAND
7 Little Words Maple Level 50
1. recent arrival = NEWCOMER
2. printing process = ROTOGRAVURE
3. lady's counterpart = GENTLEMAN
4. Portuguese East Africa, once = MOZAMBIQUE
5. not acclaimed = UNSUNG
6. dwelling place = ABODE
7. glowing = LUMINOUS
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