1. pouty look = MOUE
2. tarnish = TAINT
3. deception = FALSITY
4. sit on eggs = BROOD
5. ruin of street cred = DEFAMATION
7. kind of tire = RADIAL
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 2
1. signaling device = BUZZER
2. Rob Petrie's TV wife = LAURA
3. owing something = BEHOLDEN
4. make to specifications = CUSTOMIZE
5. fly alone = SOLO
6. country music capital = NASHVILLE
7. convert to an MP3 = DIGITIZE
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 3
1. city of Egypt or Tennessee = MEMPHIS
2. fired a water pistol = SQUIRTED
3. marvelous = WONDERFUL
4. since yesterday = OVERNIGHT
5. Star Trek doctor = MCCOY
6. pluck, as facial hair = TWEEZE
7. protection from the sun = BLINDS
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 4
1. epistaxis activity = BLEEDING
2. intrepidity = COURAGE
3. he pitched 7 no-hitters = RYAN
4. bearing = CARRIAGE
5. spot in the theater = SEAT
6. working with needle and thread = SEWING
7. causing harm = DELETERIOUS
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 5
1. punctuation symbol = MARK
2. love seat or divan = COUCH
3. variety of apple = BALDWIN
4. harm = INJURE
5. substitute voter = PROXY
6. harmful = DESTRUCTIVE
7. wooden xylophone = MARIMBA
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 6
1. still competing = ALIVE
2. usurps forcefully = WRESTS
3. packed = CROWDED
4. Barbie's eye color = BLUE
5. turkey = GOBBLER
6. identification badge = NAMETAG
7. handshake or hug, perhaps = GREETING
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 7
1. result of a settlement = COMPROMISE
2. companionship = ASSOCIATION
3. spacious = ROOMY
4. soup served cold = GAZPACHO
5. smallest of the Great Lakes = ONTARIO
6. baby's first word, sometimes = MAMA
7. illegal payment = BRIBERY
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 8
1. make cheerful = BRIGHTEN
2. spreading = CONTAGIOUS
3. Maxima maker = NISSAN
4. ridiculous = GOOFY
5. red root vegetables = BEETS
6. shipwreck survivor = CASTAWAY
7. salvation = REDEMPTION
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 9
1. logo = SYMBOL
2. vacuum bottle = THERMOS
3. of superior quality = PRIME
4. it goes pop in a kids' song = WEASEL
5. literary notice = BLURB
6. like better = PREFER
7. way down a building = STAIRWELL
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 10
1. dog with papers = PUREBRED
2. tax break = EXEMPTION
3. aerobatics stunt = TAILSPIN
4. plug away = PERSEVERE
5. drop feathers = MOLT
6. dunderhead = IDIOT
7. bigger than desired = BLOATED
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 11
1. sign of hard times = BREADLINE
2. film at the start of the reel = LEADER
3. price break = DISCOUNT
4. kino gum, for one = RESIN
5. take into one's family = ADOPT
6. plundering during a riot = LOOTING
7. numerical facts = STATISTICS
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 12
1. Apple visionary Steve = JOBS
2. olive salad sandwich = MUFFALETTA
3. aristocrat = PATRICIAN
4. what bowlers pick up = PINS
5. posting site = BLOG
6. cattle call performance = AUDITION
7. unable to sit still = HYPERACTIVE
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 13
1. imperfection = BLEMISH
2. splendor = BRILLIANCE
3. cracker = SALTINE
4. distaste = AVERSION
5. soccer mom's vehicle = MINIVAN
6. unrestricted = LIMITLESS
7. he resigned on 8/9/74 = NIXON
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 14
1. one way to keep down bills = PAPERWEIGHT
2. charming quality = APPEAL
3. get off the hook = EXONERATE
4. relative size of 2 quantities = RATIO
5. biological classification = TAXONOMY
6. loud horn = KLAXON
7. suspire = BREATHE
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 15
1. red ink user = ACCOUNTANT
2. end of a relationship = BREAKUP
3. at the point of no return = HALFWAY
4. university in Ithaca = CORNELL
5. penalty indicator = FLAG
6. what some doors do = REVOLVE
7. cuff with the hand = BUFFET
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 16
1. you might cop one = ATTITUDE
2. opportunity = CHANCE
3. taking in of food = CONSUMPTION
4. inhumane = UNKIND
5. musical award = GRAMMY
6. ostentatious = SHOWY
7. freestanding column = PILLAR
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 17
1. one who takes a shine to you = BOOTBLACK
2. doggie = POOCH
3. one who came earlier = PREDECESSOR
4. edible root = TURNIP
5. soybean paste = MISO
6. Hanoi residents = VIETNAMESE
7. footstool = OTTOMAN
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 18
1. strong feeling = EMOTION
2. spring chicken = YOUTH
3. tree litter = LEAVES
4. one who takes over = SUCCESSOR
5. vitality = PIZAZZ
6. portly = STOUT
7. impudent = CHEEKY
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 19
1. northern ocean = ARCTIC
2. the smart set = GLITTERATI
3. wanderer = VAGABOND
4. uninteresting = BANAL
5. stalking hunter = PREDATOR
6. piece of pipe or macaroni = ELBOW
7. analgesic = PAINKILLER
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 20
1. restrict the movement of = HAMPER
2. garlicky mayo = AIOLI
3. pedal pusher = BICYCLIST
4. act as a substitute = SUPPLANT
5. wrestling move = REVERSAL
6. bad situation = PLIGHT
7. numerical amount = FIGURE
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 21
1. baby goose = GOSLING
2. some speakers of Gaelic = IRISH
3. celebrity chasers = PAPARAZZI
4. having a spouse = MARRIED
5. home of the golden arches = MCDONALDS
6. extreme edge = VERGE
7. first name in detection = SHERLOCK
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 22
1. rink activity = SKATING
2. old and of quality = VINTAGE
3. like many comic strips = SYNDICATED
4. 3-D curve = HELIX
5. lifting device = HOIST
6. amusing diversion = RECREATION
7. The Song of Hiawatha poet = LONGFELLOW
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 23
1. loan default action = FORECLOSURE
2. fad = CRAZE
3. thin porridge = GRUEL
4. edible clam = QUAHOG
5. one-track mind = OBSESSION
6. its heavy end is its light end = MATCH
7. deep ditch = TRENCH
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 24
1. take after = EMULATE
2. sleek hound = SALUKI
3. athlete = JOCK
4. chomping at the bit = EAGER
5. imaginary = NONEXISTENT
6. ancient Greek city = SPARTA
7. up-close-and-personal seat = RINGSIDE
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 25
1. shunning company = ANTISOCIAL
2. vocal tremble = QUAVER
3. rudimentary stage = EMBRYO
4. not showing any reaction = UNMOVED
5. elementary = FUNDAMENTAL
6. bothers = VEXES
7. realize = ACHIEVE
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 26
1. lack of pretentiousness = MODESTY
2. trite = HACKNEYED
3. minuscule = TINY
4. unguarded = VULNERABLE
5. suddenly change direction = SHEER
6. untrue statement = FALSEHOOD
7. driven to succeed = AMBITIOUS
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 27
1. essential nature = SUBSTANCE
2. peace of mind = EASE
3. scale down = DECREASE
4. bleak = HOPELESS
5. hold dear = CHERISH
6. main point in a speech = THRUST
7. military ploy = TACTIC
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 28
1. gullet = THROAT
2. showing no emotion = STOIC
3. burst = EXPLODE
4. Pacific Ocean country = SAMOA
5. strand = ABANDON
6. exactness = PRECISION
7. it's a virtue, they say = PATIENCE
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 29
1. strategic action = MANEUVER
2. watchdog = GUARDIAN
3. deceitful scheme = DODGE
4. grain from the Andes = QUINOA
5. Japanese skewered dish = YAKITORI
6. intentionally vague = EVASIVE
7. AMC auto model = MATADOR
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 30
1. allowance for damage = BREAKAGE
2. angry look = GLARE
3. plant with a large head = SUNFLOWER
4. tropical bird = QUETZAL
5. profane = DESECRATE
6. brilliant = RESPLENDENT
7. inner tissue of a tooth = PULP
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 31
1. working answer = HYPOTHESIS
2. rush = HURRY
3. dexterity = SKILL
4. OK Corral showdown = GUNFIGHT
5. spiciness = BITE
6. peer's territory = EARLDOM
7. suggest = ALLUDE
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 32
1. grasped = UNDERSTOOD
2. profanity = SACRILEGE
3. intelligence agents = SPIES
4. brief affair = FLING
5. lick on a stick = LOLLIPOP
6. hard to satisfy = FUSSY
7. abnormality = DEVIATION
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 33
1. glare protection = SUNGLASSES
2. former = QUONDAM
3. mulberry muncher = SILKWORM
4. composting ingredient = LIME
5. manner of personal conduct = DEPORTMENT
6. imprint on glass = ETCH
7. breakfast spot = NOOK
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 34
1. chat = TALK
2. Chattanooga's state = TENNESSEE
3. chat = CAUSERIE
4. chateau = HOUSE
5. chattel = PROPERTY
6. chattel = COMMODITY
7. chatterbox = GASBAG
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 35
1. without flaws = IMPECCABLE
2. provoke = AGGRAVATE
3. degenerate = WORSEN
4. throw off the track = DERAIL
5. remove from the pack = CULL
6. just beginning to appear = INCIPIENT
7. event = OCCASION
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 36
1. capable of success = VIABLE
2. indifferent = APATHETIC
3. worn out = JADED
4. clearing of the throat = AHEM
5. liven up = INVIGORATE
6. volatile = MERCURIAL
7. right on the nose = EXACT
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 37
1. honest = TRUTHFUL
2. make feeble = DEBILITATE
3. inhale and exhale = RESPIRE
4. resistance exercise system = ISOMETRICS
5. work up a sweat = TOIL
6. upset = TROUBLED
7. rub the wrong way = GALL
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 38
1. explain in detail = EXPOUND
2. the soul of wit = BREVITY
3. court statement = PLEA
4. provide with light = ILLUMINATE
5. golf ball indentation = DIMPLE
6. mattress size = TWIN
7. wharf = QUAY
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 39
1. fraudulent doctor = QUACKSALVER
2. limber = SUPPLE
3. greedy or grasping = RAPACIOUS
4. indulge = PAMPER
5. telethon promise = PLEDGE
6. flattens = PANCAKES
7. conscription of troops = LEVY
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 40
1. flat = APARTMENT
2. cat = GRIMALKIN
3. chat = PALAVER
4. fat = CORPULENT
5. spat = SQUABBLE
6. rat = INFORMANT
7. brat = TERROR
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 41
1. it helps you reach new heights = ESCALATOR
2. it's used for serving = RACKET
3. lynx cousin = BOBCAT
4. field of vision = SIGHT
5. man next to the best man = BRIDEGROOM
6. back talk = GUFF
7. hare male = BUCK
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 42
1. highly skilled = ADEPT
2. subway gate = TURNSTILE
3. one who makes quotes = BROKER
4. city in Spain or Ohio = TOLEDO
5. frequently lost items = KEYS
6. Mantle, to Maris = TEAMMATE
7. baked dish = CASSEROLE
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 43
1. sure thing = CERTAINTY
2. extinct bird = DODO
3. verse of four lines = QUATRAIN
4. sticky situation = DILEMMA
5. carnation or columbine = FLOWER
6. in a lively manner = SPRIGHTLY
7. it's wound into balls = YARN
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 44
1. piece of jewelry = EARRING
2. fortitude = METTLE
3. batting-practice area = CAGE
4. duplication of effort = REDUNDANCY
5. pick = SELECT
6. photo holder = ALBUM
7. car's noisemaker = HORN
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 45
1. broken, like a tooth = CHIPPED
2. close call = SQUEAKER
3. peer group = JURY
4. practice game = SCRIMMAGE
5. like overcooked squid = RUBBERY
6. official rebuke = CENSURE
7. speak at length = EXPATIATE
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 46
1. sightseeing business = TOURISM
2. reason to signal = TURN
3. orchestra conductor = MAESTRO
4. hold back = SUPPRESS
5. cranky = FRACTIOUS
6. vaccine deliverer = HYPODERMIC
7. degree of development = STATURE
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 47
1. Spanish parting = ADIOS
2. one usually on the bus = DRIVER
3. make a touchdown = LAND
4. commitment = ALLEGIANCE
5. land boundary finder = SURVEYOR
6. come to pass = HAPPEN
7. throne usurper = PRETENDER
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 48
1. spirit = SPUNK
2. fault-finding = CRITICISM
3. grand jury accusation = PRESENTMENT
4. subscribe to = BELIEVE
5. portion = FRACTION
6. fidgety = ITCHY
7. admired quality = VIRTUE
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 49
1. it may be called = BLUFF
2. related to good health = SANITARY
3. one always in college = PROFESSOR
4. disparage = BELITTLE
5. it may be buried = HATCHET
6. thicket of trees = COPSE
7. not standing still = MOBILE
7 Little Words Gingerbread Level 50
1. unusual = BIZARRE
2. stock owner = SHAREHOLDER
3. not canned or frozen = FRESH
4. impertinent = SAUCY
5. it's reached at the end = CONCLUDE
6. Kane's sled = ROSEBUD
7. caustic = PUNGENT
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